Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I miss....

sleeping with my husband. It's 12:30 and he went to bed at 10pm. I am not one bit tired. When I was working we went to bed together and woke up around the same time too.

I realllllly miss that.

Yeah I could get up with him and try to stay up but I know that wont work. I would be back to sleep and miss taking M to school or something.

Need job. Miss my routine.


Staci said...

lol! You are too funny! Jason and I go to bed together 50% of the time, but the last few days he has been going up WAY sooner!

~~Mel~~ said...

Aww chickie, all in due time!

Dan and I always go to bed together...he won't have it any other way. If I'm not tired I'll watch tv or read while he snoozes...and vice versa.

Jennifer said...

My hubby gets up at 4:30 am so he goes to bed a lot earlier than I do but I know what you mean about needing a job and missing a routine :)

Jen said...

Hmmm, I like to wait until Hubby gets his tv watching in bed over with before I go up b/c I like to read & it distracts me :) I hope you find your way soon.