Amber is hosting Friend Making Monday over at her blog so after you are done here you can go on over and check out what everyone else has to say today. If you are coming from Amber's, welcome and come back again!
1. Do you cook every night?
I cook every week night. We eat out on Fri and Sat nights and then I make a big dinner on homemade bread and everything kind of dinner.
2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why?
I use Purex Free and Clear (or something like that.....M and I are allergic to alot of soaps)
3. Do you do laundry every day or loads at a time?
I have actually been very bad at laundry lately. I only do it 2 times a week. Once during the week, if needed and then again on Sunday. Can you tell we don't do much on Sundays? lol
4. How often do you eat out per week?
see #1
5. Where do you usually eat out?
We like variety......Mexican, Thai, pizza, steak, seafood, local little places
6. What is your favorite retail store?
I am a Tarjay girl. I love Kohl's too!
7. What's your favorite thing to drink?
Mt Dew
8. Do you take vitamins? What kind?
I do take a multi vitamin for women. Its supposed to promote fertility.....I read about it on a message board so it has to be true, right?
9. What percentage of the household chores to you do?
55% (gotta get that extra in there! lol)
10. Do your children do chores? {Or will they, did they, etc}
Yes....she is to keep her room clean, put away her clean clothes, fold towels and put soda in the fridge
11. Do you go to church?
12. Do you have a housework schedule?
I don't now but I have in the past. I come up with brilliant ideas but just don't follow through for very long. I may start this again.
13. Do you keep a working budget?
I wouldn't say we have a budget but I do track our spending (excel geek here) and if we spend more than I think we should we will talk about it and try better the next month.
14. What do you do at night as a family?
We always eat together, at the table, no TV or any distractions. This is a biggie for me. Sometimes we watch movies or TV or go for walks through the neighborhood or to the store..
15. How do you prepare yourself for a new week?
Sunday is my prep day....if you hadn't already caught on to that. We rarely make plans for Sundays. I clean, get things organized for school and work, make sure all the clothes are clean, update my calendar and we talk about what the week ahead will be like for us as far as plans.
16. What do your mornings look like?
I wake up at 5:30am (or supposed to) and The Husband is usually almost ready to leave. He is so good about getting right out of bed. M's alarm goes off at 5:50 and we leave the house at 6:20. Drop her at before care and head to work by 7am. The bus picks her up at daycare at 7:30am.
17. What time do you get up in the mornings?
is this a trick question to see if I change the time from #16? Ok so its closer to 6:45 when I get out of bed.
18. What time do you go to bed at night?
we try to be in bed by 10pm
19. How do you manage all of the paperwork that floods into your household?
I hate piles so I deal with everything right when it comes in. Mail gets sorted.....bills go in their place until its time for me to pay them (all at once). This year I started a school binder that keeps all of the important papers in it. I mainly did this so that I didn't dig through everything to see what time school really started.....I had to do this last year when I took M to school one day. Bookbag and workbag are right by the back door......these are prepared the night before.
(We wont mention my to be filed pile that's on my bookshelf. Its in our room so noone sees it.....that makes it ok)
20. How do you keep your household organized? {calendars, charts, etc}
I have a calendar that I keep in my 'notebook' and then we have a calendar on the fridge too. These 2 are updated with everything we have going on.....from dentist appts to cheerleading practice to parties etc. Anything that we schedule goes on here. This way if The Husband is on the phone with someone and needs to know if we are free Oct 10 he can check the calendar. (this happened last night)
The Notebook that I talked of is my baby. Everything and Anything goes in there and I usually take it everywhere with me. If I think of a blog post I will write it down so that when I have time I can type it up. If I hear of a book or movie I want to read/see I write it down. You get the picture. I cant remember anything so this is like my little helper. My handy dandy notebook.