Saturday, January 03, 2009

Day One

It officially started today. I was beginning to think that Day One would be in 2010
This morning I exercised and it almost killed me. Like laying on the floor, panting exercise. Oh my! In my defense we have hardwood floors throughout our house and they stay cool and I was HOT! lol I did the full body exercise on Outdoor Challenege and then I did the Endurance Exercises. The Endurance was a bit too much so now I know not to rush into that area. I will stick with the beginning stages.

I meal planned and grocery shopped today. We stocked up on some extra food to put in our new freezer.

We also went to my brother's surprise birthday party. I was a little worried about all the food but as of 10:30 tonight I am still way under calorie for the day. I even ate cake!

I feel really good today. Now if I can just get around to actually writing/typing my resolutions/goals before 2010........

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