Monday, March 30, 2009
I'll show them!
Really we are home sick today. We had the puking Thursday night, Friday she was fine, Saturday her throat hurt so I took her to the Dr. They did a strep test and it came back negative. Sunday she ran a fever of 103 as soon as the Advil wore off. She slept with me last night and we went to bed at like 8pm. Yes, I went to bed that early too because she has given me her germs and now I am sick too! My bones hurt so bad last night that I thought I was going to cry. Hopefully we will be better by the end of the day because I'm not big on this laying around being sick junk. blah!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Modern Technology---Do you?
Myspace- I have avoided this because I know I would spend way too much time on it. Like I do all other Internet sites. I browse when I get bored to see what people I went to school with look like now or where they live but Ive never made a profile.
Facebook- I hear facebook is much better than myspace but I hate that every one's profiles are private. It doesn't allow people like me to stalk very much. For this reason, I don't like facebook. lol
Twitter- this one I don't understand. Why does everyone need to know every single thing that you do?
Is anyone else a hold out on these sites? Its kind of weird that I hold out on these sites but I have a blog to talk about my life.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sugar Lips
Thursday night Madison came into my room, sat on the floor on my side of the bed and puked. Nice! She wasn't sick before she went to bed. So I took her to the bathroom where she got sick 2 more times and then she was fine. Her and I fell back to sleep snuggling and watching TV and then woke up when The Husband went to work around 6:45am. I had already planned to take the day off since you don't send a puking kid to school. I am all about people keeping their sick kids home so that mine doesn't get sick. M hasn't been sick in years, honestly. So at this point I am thinking that maybe she ate something that upset her tummy?? I made her eat breakfast and we hung out at home for awhile but after seeing her run around with the cat she seemed fine. She hasn't missed any school this year and loves having perfect attendance so I let her go since she seemed ok and wanted to go.
All that was just background info.......
We missed the bus at daycare so I had to take her to school. We were early so we had to wait for the bell to ring before I could leave. People walk by and she says hi to them. This girls stands near us and M tells me who she is....shes told me before that she doesn't like her. Then this boy walks by and she says Hi, Sugar Lips. WHA? Sugar Lips? Who says that? So I kinda laughed and asked her why she called him that and she said because he tries to kiss her all of the time. I giggled to myself all day at work. Sugar Lips is just hysterical to me. She is 7 1/2 (cant forget the 1/2 at this age) and calling people 'love names'. I couldnt decide if it was cute and funny or strange and scary. I don't call The Husband Sugar Lips (yes I just like saying it). I asked her when I picked her up where she got the name from and she said a student teacher called him that one day. Ah HA! That makes it better. lol
I think I may be in trouble in a few years.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Houston, we have a problem!
I tried to log in to my blog today at work, like I do every other day and BAM! Access denied. Those are the worst words that an Internet addict can see. I went all day at work without blogger. No writing posts, reading the 579 gazillion posts of other, commenting on 234 posts. No bloggy fun for me.
Being, the Internet addict that I am.........I have devised a plan. I will write posts in Word during the day and email it to myself then I can copy/paste in the evening. Whoa, that sounded like a brilliant idea when I was sitting at work in withdrawals but once I write it out it seems like a lot of work. I'm sure I will still do it though.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Banana Muffins and Cooking
Here is the recipe in case anyone wants it. This was my first time making anything with banana's so I cant really rate the recipe. The Husband didn't think they had tons of flavor but I think they are ok.
While we are talking about food.....I'm really not Betty Crocker. When I met The Husband he thought I only knew how to make chicken nuggets and fish sticks. I had noooo interest in cooking. My mom isn't a cooker, she much prefers to go out to eat. Well I love going out too but when I have to cook I love experimenting. I enjoy cooking now, its been fun to learn along the way.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My baby is so smart!
Just a little brag since I haven't had much Sunshine and Rainbow-ey stuff on here lately.
Extreme Makeover--Me Edition-Week 1
I started exercising and calorie counting in Jan and since that time my weight has yo-yo'ed 5lbs. Really, its been kind of annoying. I get happy for losing the weight and then it comes back. I just don't get it. Maybe I get over confident? This is the first time in my life that I have ever had to watch what I eat. I was always the girl who could eat whatever she wanted. I ate junk all day and didn't gain a pound. Age is slowly stopping that. blech!
Today's question: Do you have any low calorie snacks that you'd like to share?
I eat pretzels every. single. night. I like to snack while watching TV, I know that's not good but I allow myself enough calories to still eat at night. So I count out my 19 mini pretzels and The Husband and I watch TV and snack.....him eating junk food but it doesn't bother me because I am still eating something.
I also love the Curves Apple Streusel Bars and Chex Mix Turtle Bars. I posted about them before here and here. There is also info in there about the calorie counter that I use at
Have a great week and remember this is a work in progress!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Did you know.....
Here I go with the real life stuff again. I will warning you if you are one of those people who get pregnant by just being in the same room with a man, you should probably stop reading now. You may not like what I have to say. I mean no harm but these are my feelings.
It sucks to hear that someone else is pregnant. That should be a time for joyous laughs and ohhh yay’s but when you have dealt with Infertility its more of a time to cry. I hate that I cant be happy for people that are pregnant. It doesn’t matter if its real life or if its on the Internet. It hurts. Women are supposed to make babies, that’s just what they do. I know that’s a silly way of thinking but its kinda true. So when you cant make babies it feels like something is wrong with you. At least it does for me.
I know you guys have no idea what I am even talking about so here comes the hard part where I share stuff about me. I was with my ex-husband for 8 years and we tried to get pregnant almost the whole time we were together. We went through testing on me and him. His sperm count came back low so we assumed it was him that was the problem. Welllll he decided that he was going to use us not having a baby as an excuse to go cheat with someone who had 2 kids because….they could have kids. Messed up, right? Yeah it almost gave me a nervous breakdown. Here’s where it gets good….the cheating husband and the home wrecking whore got pregnant and had their baby before we were even divorced. That’s always good for the self esteem. I date another guy for a year, we have sex one last time before I decide I hate him and SURPRISE. My miracle baby was born. Now I know all about safe sex blah blah so save the judgement. My husband had a baby with someone else! At this point in life I really didn’t care about anything and I really shouldn’t have even been in this relationship with the boyfriend. I assumed it was me that couldn’t have kids since my ex-husband proved that he could.
The biological idiot has never and will never be a part of my daughter’s life. I carry huuuuuge guilt that I didn’t give her the white picket fence life like I had always planned for my kids. The one that I had. I met The Husband when she was 2yrs old and he loves her just like his own, honestly, but it still bothers me that she may be ‘scarred’ in the future or something. And I will be the one who caused that.
Whoa. So much for giving you a little back-story. Now here I am happily married with my miracle baby and 2 step daughters. Things should be ok since I now have more kids but its not. The Husband and I would love to have a baby but it doesn’t work. Again. We have both had kids so we know we can. Its all so frustrating. I should be happy that I have been blessed with what I have since many don’t even have that. But I want a baby. It makes my eyes sting to read about people that are pregnant. Who am I kidding? I avoid it. I will go out of my way to not read about peoples pregnancies. I even alienated my best friend when she was pregnant. It. Just. Hurts. I want to be able to experience pregnancy and all that goes with it with someone. Being a single mom made me really strong and independent but I would like to try it the real way too. Now I feel like I'm too old to even have another baby. (34)
I’m not re-reading this because I don’t want to cry so excuse any errors you may find.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The nerve of them!
And while I'm at it......If my coworker cracks her knuckles or sucks on her teeth one. more. time I may just punch her. Yes, I said sucks her teeth and makes this friggin annoying sound. EW!
Is it that hard to be quiet?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A day in the life of me
*Made a batch of chocolate chip pancakes
*Burnt my finger on chocolate chip pancakes
*Made a batch of regular pancakes
*Made and froze spaghetti sauce
*Made and froze pizza sauce
*Cooked BBQ chicken in crock pot (a dinner for this coming week)
*filled the sugar container up
*washed the stove off 692 times (a cream colored stove sucks....when we replace it I will get black, just for future reference)
*wiped down kitchen cabinets
*made homemade baked mac and cheese and Baked Chicken Parmesan for dinner
*washed and put away 3 loads of laundry
*made M's chore chart for the coming week
*re-arranged a cabinet and packed up some useless glasses (why do they make those small glasses anyway?)
*swept, mopped the kitchen floor and scrub the baseboards
*Asked M to pick up her things and then listened to how her legs hurt and she hates walking
*Watched HGTV
*talked to my mom on the phone
*Surfed the Internet on my 'down' times
*realized I acted like a jerk to The Husband yesterday and now I'm beginning to question my med free status
*called my cell phone company to see if I could block private calls since one woke me up at 12:30 last night.
*watched part of Untraceable with The Husband (I cant sit still to watch a whole movie)
*M taught me how to juggle Easter eggs
*watched M put on a show to "love story" by Taylor Swift
*watched America's funniest home video's with the family
*cleaned M's ears
*dyed my hair for the 753 time in the past 24 hours
*took a very hot bath
*have the Sunday Sickness again (I skipped last week)
So what did you do today?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Do NOT try this at home
O-R-A-N-G-E highlights. Not attractive. I am not dying it anymore today since it seems like that's all I gotten done today. I will dye it back to my normal color tomorrow.
I think I got a little too brave. I quit going to my hair girl and started dying my hair myself and things were going great. Even my hair girl liked the color of my hair. I thought hmmm spring is coming so lets add a little glam to it. Now I know that I need to stop at the main color and go back to the hair girl for the highlights.
I learned my lesson. Don't follow in my footsteps.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Lexapro free
I have been on Lexapro for about a year. I was depressed and just blah, plus I was diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) from a fatal accident that I was in (I was a passenger in a car that hit someone head on and killed the person). So yeah I have tons of anxiety.
My Dr prescribed anti-depressant after anti-depressant and none of them seemed to help. Finally we settled on Lexapro and I felt G-R-E-A-T. Well I become immune to medicine or something because they always quit working. My anxiety creeped back in so my Dr gave me some kind of (forget the name) pill that I take if I am having an anxiety attack and it works right away. He doesnt give the anxiety pill out in a refill-able (made up word) amount because he said it can become addictive. Wonderful, that’s all I need!
Fast forward to a few months ago and I don’t really feel the Lexapro is working anymore. I researched natural remedies for anxiety online and decided I was going to try Kava Kava. Around this time I also started exercising everyday and just trying to take control of my life. In the beginning of March I went off the Lexapro and honestly I have felt great since. I have laughed more this month than I can remember. I honestly just feel happier than I have in a long time. TMI but my sex drive is back, which is good for a couple who is TTC. Everything is just peachy!
EXCEPT for the panic attacks. I have been trying yoga, deeeeeeep breathing and talking myself out of it and that seems to be working. I am so amazed at some of my triggers though. The Husband and I were talking about it last night. He feels like when I can not control something that’s when I start panicking. I know I have control issues (lol) but I think he may be right. If something is out of my control it stresses me out. Not normal stress out, more like full on freak out. Some things are always going to be out of my control so I am just going to have to learn to deal with them. This should be interesting! My attacks have quadrupled since stopping the Lexapro so I’m not sure if this is from weaning or if this is how life really is without it. Either way I feel like its time that I face this stuff head on. I hate breathing heavy. I hate feeling like I can’t catch my breath. I hate feeling like there is 1000lbs on my chest.
I have an amazing husband who has stood by me through some very moody times and a great daughter who I am truly blessed to have. What else do I need? I can do this!
So, there you go…..your first real glance into who I am.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Time Game?
I started playing this game at work and now I play it at home too.
My job is pretty boring and I have way too much time to 'surf the net'. I'm not complaining but we all now that you can get sucked into the world wide web and have a hard time getting back out. At least my addictive personality is like this. The Internet is such an amazing place. While planning a day trip for our family I needed to know when my niece started playing T-ball. Instead of waiting for her parents to call me back....because I am impatient....I googled and found out her T-ball schedule. Isn't that just the greatest? All of this information right at your fingertips.
This can also be a bad thing because, like I said, you get sucked in.
Oh yeah, that game I was telling you about! Randomly through out the day I will shut down the Internet and make myself work for a predetermined amount of time. Normally its an hour or after I get done a certain thing.
Do you do this too?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I dont like this background.
Anyone use any free background site besides the cutestblogontheblock?
I loved my St Patrick's day background so now its like I'm in mourning or something.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
More Awards!
1) Put the logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
3) Link to your nominees within your post.
4) Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link to the person from who you received your award.
Let's talk blogs
How many blogs do you follow?
81!! Why do I not have enough to keep me occupied? I was very surprised it was that many.
If someone follows you do you automatically follow them too?
No and I do feel guilty about this.
Do you comment on every one's blog or just those who comment to you?
I love comments, it lets me know that people are really out there. I try to comment on most blogs but I do make it a point to comment to people that I know do the same back. Plus you get to know the person better when there is mass commenting.
What types of blogs do you follow?
I follow a lot of craft/decor/frugal blogs along with any interesting regular blogs that I come across. Its about half and half.
What is your favorite part of blogging?
Meeting new people and taking a look inside their lives. I'm not the most open person (working on that!) but I do find other's lives very interesting. Oh and I love decorating my page with the cool backgrounds, which I will be changing tonight!
OK that's all I can think of for now. Have a great St Patrick's Day!
Monday, March 16, 2009
PSA: Clean your microwave
Oh and don't forget to dress your kids in green tomorrow so they don't get pinched. I almost forgot and so did she.
Wanted: Beer

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Interview with the kid about MOM
I love you!
2.What makes Mom happy?
when Dasher (the cat) does something funny
3.What makes Mom sad?
when you get hit or when you hurt yourself on the head (I hit my head while cleaning the basement and it hurt so bad it made me cry)
4.How does your Mom make you laugh?
when you say something funny like a joke
5. What was your Mom like as a child?
just like me
6. How old is your Mom?
7. How tall is your Mom?
5 ft 4 inches (I am really 5'7)
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
coach indoor soccer
9. What does your Mom do when you're not around?
decorate and do stuff to the house
10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
having me in the paper
11. What is your Mom really good at?
coaching soccer
12.What is your Mom not very good at?
being a teacher
13. What does your Mom do for a job?
work for the government
14. What is your Moms favorite kind of food?
pork chops (wth?)
15.What makes you proud of your Mom?
when you laugh
16. If your Mom were a cartoon character who would she be?
wilma from the flinstones
17.What do you and your Mom do together?
eat and stuff
18. How are you and your Mom the Same?
we look alike
19. How are you and your Mom different?
we have different names
20. How do you know your Mom loves you?
you say it everyday, like 3 times
21. Where is your Mom's favorite place to go?
denny's (we never go to denny's so that was kind of an odd answer, lol)
she wanted to answer these also
that you are cool (that I need to laugh more and enjoy things)
What do your kids think about you?
you are cool (I am very surprised she didnt mention the computer....she tells my mom thats all I do)
now she wants to do a dad
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Pure bliss!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Frugal Friday
Right now we have:
Madagascar 2
August Rush
Dream Girls
Nick and Norah's Infinite List
We get these movies for 2 weeks. I procrastinate and usually watch them at the 2 week mark. I am not a big movie watcher so it isn't important to me to see something right when it comes out.
So, if you haven't, maybe check out your library. Oh and ours has a great kids area also.
Question # 30----the last one!
Im kind of disappointed that this is the last question because a) I have enjoyed talking these things over with The Husband and getting to read the comments from you guys and b) well this question is kind of a dud to end with.
We could scratch this question and come up with our own. Any suggestions?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thursdays Thirteen

- my daughter laughing
- the love that I have grown for my step-daughters
- hot, hot, hot baths
- taking a walk and chatting with Madison about everything and anything
- shopping, even if I don't buy anything
- sunshine
- colors, I love colors!
- babies, so cute and they smell so good (well, most of the time)
- The Husbands support
- driving with the windows down and the radio up (like I'm a teenager, lol)
- going places that I have never been
- sleeping
- chatting with friends
You can read others and link up here.
Let's talk Make-up and skin.....
Speaking of skin face seems to think that its 15 yrs old and going through puberty. Actually, I never had acne as a teen and always had a perfect complexion. Lately? Not so much! Since I started working out my face keeps breaking out. I recently tried Cetaphil because Jen recommended it and it has helped. I just have to get in the habit of actually using it. Ive never had to use a facial cleaner before so this is all foreign to me. Soap and water did the trick.
While we are talking about skin.....I have started to see a few little wrinkles trying to pop through. The nerve! I must squint alot or something (nice!) because I can see where I am going to have 2 lines between my eyebrows. 34 is too young for wrinkles, isn't it? I guess I should have been more proactive with this stuff huh? yikes!
Oh yeah, makeup. So does anyone have a brand of makeup that they love? It doesn't matter if its from Target or a high end company. Maybe I should go to the mall and let them pick some stuff for me, Ive never done that before. I tried everyday minerals but it made me break-out too. I have sensitive combo skin. pleasant!
While you are commenting (hint, hint) you can tell me what color makeup you are wearing these days too. I have been told I look good in purple so I wear that alot. Brown makes me look like I am asleep or dead, so I try to avoid that.
Confesssion Tag

3) How long have you been blogging?
4) Who tagged you?
5 ) Tell me your 5 most favorite body parts:
6) What do you wish most for your birthday?
7) What color are your nails now?
8) Any depressing thoughts lately?
10) At what age did you have your 1st crush?
11) Did you attend any school reunion after you graduated till now?
12) Have you ever passed gas in public and pretended you didn't smell anything?
13) Are you a clean freak?
14) Which era do you wish you were born into?
15) Are you a vegetarian?
16) How many pillows do you sleep with at night?
17) Are you a light sleeper or an I-don't-care-if-there's-a-bomb-here sleeper?
18) Do you secretly wear comfortable granny panties when your man is not around?
20) What is it your hubby does that annoys you the most?
21) What is your dream car?
22) Do you easily wake up in the morning?
23) Do you like hairy men?
24) How about goateed men?
25) Which one would you prefer, 2 hour spa, 2 hour Thai Massage or 2 hour foot massage?
26) Have you ever wished you had a different name other than your real name?
27) What is the most extreme sport you have ever done?
28) Do you prefer traveling in Europe or Asia?
29) What is your favorite food?
30) What is the most embarrassing moment when you were out on a date?
Here are the rules:
Copy and paste the whole questionnaire and replace my answers with yours. You have to create a link for the blogger who tagged you. Pass to 4 other bloggers. Display the logo anywhere on your blog. Last, answer each question with the truth, and nothing but the TRUTH...this is a confession tag, you know.
I tag:
Question # 29
Be more adventurous, I am afraid of trying new things. I have never flown and that's something that I plan to do soon. I don't want Madison to grow up with such anxiety. My mom and grandmother are/were the same way and I want to try to break the cycle for her. The Husband is a pretty adventurous guy and he has nudged M to try new things and it makes me so happy to see how she has flourished from that.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Question # 28
All of them? lol
I have a short temper and no patience. Im working on it though!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I love my cat
- lay in bed crying for an hour because he got in trouble last night and had to go to bed early tonight. (the kid)
- ask me where everything in the house is instead of looking for it (the husband)
- make my blood boil (the husband and the kid)
- tell me life is unfair (kid)
- help me do laundry yet not put my stuff or M's stuff away because he doesn't know where it goes.....maybe I should try that with his clothes (husband)
- make me take away tv tomorrow (kid)
- disturb my plans of going to bed early....who can think of going to bed early with chaos (both of them)
- backtalk (kid)
Can you tell I've had a rough evening. What is wrong with these people that they cant be like my cat? He's not really even my cat, he's the daughter's, but still.....he's the greatest!
Question # 27
Well this is easy because its true in our house. I have a much nicer and newer car than The Husband. I have a Honda Pilot and its our family has 3 row seating so we can fit a zillion kids in there. It is my car and I drive it everyday but its just a given that we take it whenever we go anywhere as a family.
I think if one person stayed at home than they wouldn't need the nicest car. If you traveled to work you should have the most dependable car.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Spring Fever!
Saturday we played outside and the girls rode their scooters. In the afternoon we went to MIL's to have lunch and get step-daughters birthday gifts from her. The kids played hide and seek there before we left. We ended the day with playing at the park and going to Target. It was about 70 degrees on Saturday!
Sunday we went to M's school so she could ride her bike and The Husband and I walked around the track chatting. I love when we do that! There was some playing on the playground and then home to make dinner. I cleaned a little, lazed around and didn't really do alot since I had the Sunday Sickness. We had the windows open and the fresh air was so nice! Spring makes everything seem brand new, I love it!
This morning on my way to work at 6:30am it was 60 degrees out. I hope this weather sticks around because I'm done being cold!
Hope you guys had a great weekend!
Question # 26
Store- Target
Spa- I would get a massage. I've never had one because I'm cheap and don't want to waste the money.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Sunday's make me sick
Just thought I would share my Sunday Disease with you. Maybe its because my body knows I have to go back to work the next day? Odd!
Question # 25
Friday, March 06, 2009
Question # 24
I love where I live so I dont know that I would move. I wish my step-kids mother would move closer to us but I wish she would do alot of things that she doesnt.
Question # 23
I'm not a big believer in soul mates. I think marriage/relationships are hard work and things just don't fall into place.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Question # 22
Tough one, again.
(I'm going to sound horrible again) I think it would be easier to donate to someone and it be anonymous. I am a very mental (haha) person and I think I would look at my friends child as some sort of being my child since I contributed.
On the other hand I know how much infertility sucks and takes a toll on a person.
I don't know.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Question # 21
Wow, this is a tough one for me. I think I would say only my daughter. I have the worst fear of leaving her mother-less (my dad died when I was young) so I couldn't pick anyone else. The Husband already knows this because we talked about it before. He said he would die for me.....that makes me feel bad.
Joyful conversations in our house huh?
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Question # 20
This should be a fun discussion!
My 100th post & 100 things about ME!

Because, well, I love talking about me, Me, ME!
- I was spoiled as a child
- I wish I was still spoiled but this thing called life has shown me a different path
- I hate to get out of bed in the morning
- I could be a Professional Sleeper. seriously!
- I love naps
- I struggle with Infertility
- Sometimes I cry when I get my period because I'm not pregnant
- M was truly a blessing and meant to be
- I don't play with my kids like I should
- My job is super boring
- I have a really fancy title at my job but really I don't do anything exciting
- I make more money than my husband and I hate it
- I make more money than most people in my area
- I am quite old fashioned in one way but not in others
- I wish I could work part time
- I have been a SAHM for a year and it was hard work
- I wanna be somebody when I grow up
- I don't like video games
- my husband does
- I have gotten very lazy since I turned 30
- I love my laptop, its the greatest!
- I dye my hair every month to cover gray
- I'm to young to have gray hair, damn genes
- Sometimes I think I'm OCD and ADD
- My mind has a gazillion things going through it at all times
- I never relax
- there is always something to do
- I can be a slight drama queen
- I like perfection
- I love to clean
- I have anxiety over death
- like on pills kind of anxiety
- I am trying to cherish every moment with M because soon she wont want to be around me because its not cool.
- I love to volunteer at M's school, it makes me feel connected
- I love coaching girls indoor soccer and meeting the girls and their parents
- I love nature
- Me, M, and The Husband all have a birthday in Sept (along with 10 other family members)
- I may have an addiction to the Internet
- I am at an age that I used to think was old
- I read the obituaries everyday
- I was a single mom
- I love going new place
- I LOVE shopping
- I could walk through stores for hours and not buy anything, I just love being there
- I like watching Clean House (whoa, some of those houses!)
- I love true crime stuff
- I was quite obsessed with the Caylee Anthony case
- I was in a fatal accident (me passenger, other car's driver died)
- I feel bad that I don't think about that person dying
- I had never broke a bone until that wreck and then I broke my whole body
- I have 3 scars and I hate them
- Scar on my back, hip and hand
- I love ranch on anything
- I don't really eat condiments
- I wont eat cooked veggies, they have to be raw
- I could live on junk food
- I am a list maker
- I plan everything. ev-er-y-thing
- I was diagnosed with PTSD-post traumatic stress disorder
- I prefer to live in a dream world.....the real world kinda sucks sometimes
- I wish I had made M be more into manners
- M rarely says thank you
- I rarely do also
- I cant watch movies without doing something else
- I pick the skin on my lips
- I don't have alot of shoes, just the basics
- My mom has over 100 pair of shoes
- I get jealous of pregnant people
- I have no memory. None
- I have selective hearing when The Husband talks
- I miss smoking
- Sometimes I wish I could have 'just one' but I know I cant
- I had no idea that I would still have cravings almost 1 yr later
- I write lots of to-do-lists all day long
- I have a recipe binder
- I am getting ready to make a family binder with important info like school stuff etc
- I need a new purse
- I switch purses every season, sometimes more often
- I hate riding with other people, I would prefer to drive
- I have become more sociable this year vs the past few years
- I don't have a best friend.......I have a friend I write about and just say BFF but I don't feel that true BFF connection with her.....I haven't felt that in years with anyone
- My mom shows favorites towards my daughter and it bothers me
- I love my niece so much!
- I put my Spring Flag outside yesterday, even though its not spring.....whatever, I'm ready
- I love decorating for holidays
- I had my first panic attack when I was pregnant
- I love colors
- they make me happy
- I have a porch swing
- I say everything in my head before I say it out loud
- I have a 'thing' with numbers. Like I cant say this morning it has to be 7:35am.
- I was terrible at Math and Science
- I think my husband is very smart
- I cant make decisions. Even the smallest thing has to be contemplated over and over
- I drink 2 cans of Mt Dew every single day
- I don't like any diet soda
- I don't like Hannah Montana and I don't even think she's cute
- I'm a hypochondriac
- I love fireworks
- I don't like talking on the phone
That was actually easier than I thought it was going to be! Thanks for reading and following my blog!! xoxo
The Blizzard of 09
I will upload pics when I get home. I was far too lazy and a little flu-ish yesterday to do it. Plus I want to keep you on edge all day waiting for these magnificent snow pics. You are imagining big mounds of white fluffy stuff, aren't you?
I'm not good at keeping secrets. We got 4 inches. Yes, 4 inches shut down my whole town/city. I think my state is even under a State of Emergency. This is our first significant snow of the season so I guess everyone got anxious? Whatever, I got a day off.
The Bachelor
I loved Melissa and I became ok with Molly. But what he did was just ridiculous. I knew it was going to happen because I read a spoiler on another blog last week. I was just hoping that it wasn't true. It was. I loved when Melissa called him a bastard, he just shattered her heart so he really deserved that.
And Molly? He denied you at the final rose ceremony, told you he wouldn't regret picking Melissa, spent nearly a month with Melissa.........and you are just going to be ok and all over him? In my opinion that made you look kind of desperate. I understand that these are real feelings and they don't just go away. Great, you want him to explain more to you. That's awesome. Lay off the affection until you hear what he has to say. You are kind of pathetic. On second thought........its probably a good thing that Melissa got out of this situation.
Can you tell I'm not happy?
Stupid TV.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Question # 19
This one is easy.....
me=10 hrs, The Husband=7
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Question # 18
Welllll its no secret on here that I want to lose 10lbs. The Husband loves me and thinks I look great with or without the 10 lbs but *I* don't feel like I look as good.
Another award

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”
This was to hard to pick who to pass this on to so I am passing it on to everyone.